Never Lose Your Keys Again With These 4 Key Finders On the Market
Losing your keys can be particularly distressing. Not only because of the inconvenience, but also the fact that you might not be sure if they are lost or stolen. The good news is that we now have so many great gadgets and techniques to help us find our keys faster. Check out the best key finder on the market to always keep track of your keys.
Tile Tracker
This is easily one of the most popular of all tracking devices designed to help you locate your keys. You will be able to buy them at various retailers as well as online. The company has released several models which means that it is best to check the compatibility of the tracker with your SmartPhone. Some of the most popular versions include the Tile Slim, Tile Sport and Tile Mate. Some models have been discontinued as is the case with any other type of technology. This is simply a side effect of technological advancements. Some of their models are designed to suit keys while others are better suited for wallets and purses. Make sure that you research the product you like before placing your order. Not only can your tile help prevent a call to your local locksmith in Toronto, but it can also help you keep better track of other important items like your handbag or purse. The battery on this key finder lasts for 12 months which is one of the reasons why other brands are managing to surpass it in terms of popularity.
The most impressive feature of this key finder is that it has a significantly longer range than other similar products on the market. They can track and help you locate your keys from a distance of up to 200 feet. This is double the industry standard which is great for anyone with a larger home or a tendency to lose their keys in more open spaces. It's also important to note that this tracker is not waterproof. While Pebblebee offers its own unique features, these do come at the price of losing some features that are considered standard in other tracker designs. From the perspective of any Toronto locksmith, this tracker is great if you don't mind the lack of customizability in terms of the colour and you are happy with the features it has to offer. It is worth comparing this tracker with other brands to find the right fit for you.
CUBE Tracker
The rubber exterior of this tracker makes it appealing to those who do not enjoy the sound of clanging metal or hard plastic. The CUBE Key Finder has all the standard features including a replaceable battery. So, unlike other models that need to be completely replaced, you can simply change the batteries in your CUBE. They are also a practical approach to avoiding a late-night call to your trusted locksmith in Toronto.
Believe it or not, there are still many people out there who would prefer not to rely on the best key finder like this and prefer a manual method. If this is you, then KeyRinger could be just what you've been looking for. They come in packs of two and the one activates the alarm on the other. You don't need to worry about apps or compatibility and they have a range of up to 300 feet. The only possible downside is that you could misplace both devices if you're not careful. So, if you keep one on your keys and you don't have the other device handy when you need it, it will be happy hunting for you!
Other Practical Techniques
Technology is great but it can also help if you have a few practical tactics up your sleeve. The battery on your tracker might be low, for example, or you may not be able to use it for some other reason. Before you panic and call your Toronto locksmith, follow these easy steps:
1. Take a deep breath and calm down. You won't get anywhere in a panic.
2. Try to retrace your steps. It might sound like a cliché but it really does work. Think about the last time you had your keys, where you were and what you were doing. This can help you narrow your search down to a particular room at least.
3. Clean up that clutter. When searching for something, we instinctively avoid cluttered areas and we search spaces that are easier on the eyes. When clutter gets in the way, it can cause even more stress which is why we naturally avoid these parts of our room or home. Ideally, you should always keep clutter to a minimum. When you're hunting for your keys, try to make the conscious decision not to avoid cluttered spaces.
If you know that your keys have been stolen, it is important to have a locksmith in Toronto come out right away. Prompt lock rekeying or replacement is the best approach to prevent the key thief from using your own keys against you. At Toronto Top Locksmith, we are available 24/7 for all your locksmith emergencies. Give us a call at (647) 479-7764 and our team will be there to assist in a matter of minutes.
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