6 Reasons To Get Your Locks Rekeyed for Added Safety
Your safety and security are essential in residential and commercial settings alike. There are a number of options when it comes to increasing your security. One of which is to have your locks rekeyed. Rekeying a lock means that you will maintain the same lock but the lock will be modified to fit a new key. The old key and any copies of that key will no longer work on a lock that has been rekeyed. If you are wondering whether you should get your locks rekeyed, here are some of the main reasons why this is an excellent option.
1. Moving into a new home
If you move into a new home, there is no way of telling just how many keys could be out there. Even if the previous owner or tenant hands you all the keys, you simply can never be completely sure. Rekeying the lock is as non-invasive as it gets and it's great if you don't want to pay for a new lock and new lock installation. Even if your property is brand new and nobody has lived there in the past, contractors often have keys to properties during the construction stage. In many cases, they have a master key so that they can access all of the apartments in a building while finalizing the construction. In this case, the lock will be new and a lock replacement really is not necessary. Instead, you can call your Toronto locksmith and have the locks rekeyed.
2. Recent break up with your partner
If you have just gotten divorced or split up with your partner, you should have your locks rekeyed. Even if they give you back the original key, you never know if they managed to make a copy. They could use the copy to access your home without your permission and this can be disturbing as well as dangerous. If you think that your split was mutual or a relatively friendly one, you should still avoid falling into the trap of neglecting your privacy and security. Call a locksmith in Toronto right away to rekey those locks! Remember, it's not only the entry door that you should consider but also any back or side doors too.
3. Lost or stolen keys
Whether you have misplaced your keys or know for a fact that they have been stolen, it is important that you take action sooner rather than later. Swift action can make all the difference in terms of protecting your assets and yourself. Rekeying a lock will not cause any unnecessary inconvenience. You don't have to worry about choosing a new lock, having the lock installed and the expenses that go along with it. Instead, you can have your locks rekeyed by a professional Toronto locksmith and you will rest that much easier.
4. Keys not returned
If you have provided a babysitter, neighbour, friend or somebody else with a key for whatever reason, you need to make sure that you get your key back. If you don't, you should definitely have the locks rekeyed. In addition, never underestimate the power of your instincts. In other words, if you have given somebody a key to your home but later you get a strange feeling, your instincts could be spot on and you might want to rekey just so that you don't have any sleepless nights.
5. Too many keys
If you have several keys on your keyring, it can get pretty heavy. Not to mention the fact that it will take you that much longer to find the right key for each door. You can consider having your locks rekeyed so that you only need one key for several locks. Now, from a security perspective, you should have a separate lock for each exterior door. Interior doors, on the other hand, can be rekeyed so that the same key will operate them all. It is also important to understand how master key systems work so that you have realistic expectations regarding how they operate and what they offer in terms of security. There are pros and cons to every type of lock but our team will gladly provide you with all the details you need to make an informed decision.
6. Rekeying versus replacement
Finally, don't forget to ask your locksmith in Toronto for their professional opinion regarding rekeying versus replacing the lock. In some cases, rekeying is not possible nor recommended. For example, if the lock is old or does not offer much in terms of security, a replacement lock is a better choice. Similarly, if there has been an attempted break-in, you might want to consider installing a high-security lock to keep potential intruders out.
No matter what your reason is for rekeying your locks, you can always depend on Toronto Top Locksmith for fast and professional service. We are available throughout the GTA and we arrive within 15 minutes.
Looking for locksmiths near you? Find our emergency locksmiths in Toronto anytime at (647) 479-7764.
Check out other lock security tips:
Everything you need to know about master key system
Difference between rekeying locks and changing locks